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Complicated Anime Monogatari Chronological Order


In this edition of Complicated Anime Chronology, I am spotlighting the Monogatari series. There are several reasons why I chose to discuss this anime, most of all because it is a darn confusing series to watch in the correct order. There are several parts, series, seasons, ova’s etc, all with unique names to add to the confusion. When starting this anime, without some kind of direction, it is very hard to get the full effect and expected result from watching it.


There are several ways to watch this series. We recommend both the release order and chronological order routes. It is up to you which to go with first, however many start with Release date (since that was literally how it surfaced and was originally consumed by many), and then the Chronological order second. If you’re hardcore into chronological ordering, then watch the chronological order first. Here are our favorite resources for ordering these series:

Hopefully these resources will help your travels and ease the thrust into the Monogatari series. It is both a fun and exciting series that can be enjoyed to its fullest if you go into it with a plan. There are of course many other resources on the web that also attempt to explain the orders, all differing a slight bit, and all possibly correct in their own way. Either way just because a series has a lot of content to offer, this should be no reason not to indulge and we’re hoping to bridge that gap with this series called “Complicated Anime Chronology”. If this information has helped you or you have enjoyed it, please go to the right and find us on social media and help support us through Patreon or Amazon affiliates! Also, don’t forget to check out our Discord channel! See you around..

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