
Pokémon Series Watch Order

How to watch the Pokemon series in Chronological order, including Episodes, Movies, and OVA’s. This is the best sequence to watch the Pokemon series to the best of our knowledge. Buy Pokémon Merchandise!


Indigo League
  1. Episodes 1-69
  2. Mew vs. Mewtwo Movie
  3. Episodes 70-82
Adventures in the Orange Islands
  1. Episodes 1-24
  2. Pokemon 2000 Movie
  3. Episodes 25-36
The Johto Journeys
  1. Episodes 1-38
  2. Spell of the Unknown Movie
  3. Episodes 39-41
Johto League Champions
  1. Episodes 1-48
  2. Pokemon 4ever Movie
  3. Episodes 49-52
Master Quest
  1. Episodes 1-47
  2. Pokemon Heroes Movie
  3. Episodes 48-65
  1. Episodes 1-35
  2. Jirachi, Wish Maker Movie
  3. Episodes 36-40
Advanced Challenge
  1. Episodes 1-45
  2. Destiny Deoxys Movie
  3. Episodes 46-52
Advanced Battle
  1. Episodes 1-43
  2. Lucario and the Mystery of Mew Movie
  3. Episodes 44-54
Battle Frontier
  1. Episodes 1-38
  2. Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea Movie
  3. Episodes 39-47
Diamond and Pearl
  1. Episodes 1-39
  2. The Rise of Darkrai Movie
  3. Episodes 40-52
Diamond and Pearl: Battle Dimension
  1. Episodes 1-34
  2. Giratina and the Sky Warrior Movie
  3. Episodes 35-52
Diamond and Pearl: Galactic Battles
  1. Episodes 1-31
  2. Arceus and the Jewel of Life Movie
  3. Episodes 32-53
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Diamond and Pearl: Sinnoh League Victors
  1. Episodes 1-21
  2. Zoroark, Master of Illusions Movie
  3. Episodes 22-34
Black & White
  1. Episodes 1-39
  2. White, Victini and Zekrom/Black, Victini and Reshiram Movie (Alt Films)
  3. Episodes 40-50
Black & White: Rival Destinies
  1. Episodes 1-49
  2. Kyurem vs. The Sword of Justice Movie
Black & White: Adventures in Unova
  1. Episodes 1-25
Black & White: Adventures in Unova and Beyond
  1. Episodes 1-11
  2. Genesect and the Legend Awakened Movie
  3. Episodes 12-20
  1. Episodes 1-37
  2. Diancie and the Coccoon of Destruction Movie
  3. Episodes 38-48
XY: Kalos Quest
  1. Episodes 1-33
  2. Hoopa and the Clash of Ages Movie
  3. Episodes 34-45
  1. Episodes 1-47
  2. Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel Movie
Sun and Moon
  1. Episodes 1-43
Sun & Moon: Ultra Adventures
  1. Episodes 1-49
Sun & Moon: Ultra Legends
  1. Episodes 1-54
  1. Episodes 1-33
  2. .. Still Airing ..
  3. Pokemon: I Choose You! Movie

Don’t forget to check out these other Chronological Orders for the following Anime:

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